Wednesday, March 19, 2008

My Friends

Thank you so much to all of my friends. I'm so very lucky to know all of you. Without you all, I'd be dying out here.

It's terribly lonely at times on the road, especially at night.

But knowing that I have people out there, wondering about me, maybe even reading...

it helps.

1 comment:

AngelEyez said...

I am not sure if I am supposed to leave a comment like this here or not but I am *smile*. Justin, Always remember one thing when times get rough out there ( and trust me it will)- That you are a hero. Truckers are hero's, without them we could not live the life we are acustomed to. You will hear plenty of "truck bashers" bad mouthing your job, but remember that shirt they are wearing, the truck they are driving and the beer they are drinking was supplied to the stores by a trucker.