Saturday, December 8, 2007

The Big Three

The big three. The skills tests. Straight-line backing, parallel parking, and offset backing. As of right now, I've already passed straight-line backing, so that leaves two. I have parallel down to a science. Who would have ever thought that I would ever learn how to parallel park an eighteen wheeler?! I can't even parallel park my car...

As far as offset goes, with a little more practice tonight, I'll pass just fine. Hopefully.

I got the antibiotics so I should be back up to par soon. Not to mention the tea and vitamin C that I've been taking, as prescribed by a certain somebody.

I smiled.

The temp. is a little higher today so the conditions should be a bit more comfortable than they have been lately.

So, more practice, and then these tests and then I move on to actually driving one of these monsters on the open road.

Millington TN metropolitan area, watch out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Do you think that will make parallel parking your car easier? Perhaps?
Keep on keepin' on, Oleson! You're in our thoughts down here.

Tennessee sounds far too cold and too far north for me...