Tuesday, November 27, 2007

The Present

It's 3:01AM and I need to be at the bus station by 8:30AM. Sandbagging so as to delay the inevitable? Maybe. The past few nights I've been scared out of my mind. I've been so nervous and frightened that I've been having nightmares. Vivid ones too, where it takes a few minutes for the fog to lift once I wake, and I realize that I was only dreaming. Intense. Though I've been pretty terrified, I'm ready now. My nerves are complaining a bit, but I'm absolutely ready to do this and make it work. Today was incredible stressful. I'm in a position where I'll be making a lot of money soon, but I have to invest a little money until then, to float through. I had to pawn my car title today because my father didn't have the money he promised me he would when I told him weeks ago that I would need it. I really should learn that I can't rely on him, or anyone else in my family for that matter.

Today was just an incredibly stressful day.

And on top of it all, my car tire blew while I was driving. I was stranded in the rain, in the cold, with no jack, and no help.

It's been a long day.

I still need to pack. I'm hoping that won't be too distressing of a job.

I should probably do that now.

Here's to the road less traveled.

I'm off to chase adventure.

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